how do people account for meeting?

Not sure if this question is on the right place…But how do people account and allocate time for meetings? do you ingrate calendars or create separate project and use recuring tasks? or both?


Hey @anon36108714!

You can find more information and examples of meetings you can plan with Asana in this article.

I’m also curious to read what other users recommend here!

Sorry you have miss understood what i was asking. Workload is a great tool and i want to make sure that capacity isn’t blown by not taking into account known meeting. So i was wondering how people account for meeting? do they set up project just for regular meetings?

Hi @anon36108714,

I create tasks representing meetings, and assign subtasks “Join the meeting” to all participants, setting the due time as the meeting start time. But I know it’s not a beautiful way.

Once I asked an Asana employee how they are managing meetings. The answer was “We use Google Calendar.” I understood it as using one right tool for right usage. So Asana might not be the best tool to allocate time for meetings.

I hope this answers some part of your question.
It was funny that I wanted to use Asana more often (for virtually everything) than Asana employees might do :smiley:
Looking forward to seeing more ideas from other community members.


While I agree with the phrase right tool for the right job and it clearly is right, that google meeting invitations and / or outlook meeting invites are good way to go for accounting people for meeting.

As far as taking meeting minutes, and transforming them into tasks, I particularly find asana good at this. I do create one tasks for meeting minutes, and then make sub tasks for those, and move those tasks to other projects. This approach is quite helpful.

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I was hoping for a cleaning solution than creating tasks…

The big request is that meetings have to account for people times so they are over allocated.

Morning Scott, I combine two concepts for meetings. I have a “Meeting” project with an obnoxious colour and I create an entry everytime I have a meeting. I like doing it this way because I work in Calendar view and I need to see my week all together to consider booked up time. Usually I add subtasks to prepare for that meeting ahead, if particularly tricky. I go through all of this every Monday and work on the concept of Monday Hour 1 to review calendar and allocate/move everything.
Not sure this answers about other people, hope it helps!

Hello Scott,

We use tasks for meetings.

We give it and start and finish date and times so it will count as time allocation for that person.

After all, tasks are the minimal quantifiable object in Asana and they can serve multiple purposes.

Hope this helps at least a little.


My company uses google calendar to schedule and track meetings. But I see your point about accounting for time allocated to such and such work responsibilities. I put my own appointments and meeting schedule into my private project space, and these tasks also automatically export to my google calendar. I have a team project for my writers and I track administrative reminders and our recurring meetings schedule there. It definitely helps to add a start time.

Looking forward to learning how others schedule and track meetings in Asana.