Help w/ time tracking / monitoring workload

Hi there, are you on Premium or Business account?

If you are on Business account you can use the Workload feature. Unfortunately you need to go through Portfolios to work (don’t ask why, no one knows)

  1. Create your projects
  2. Create a custom field where you will track workload for each task
  3. Add all projects in a Portfolio
  4. Go to the Portfolio / Workload
  5. Set up the maximum workload per person in the portfolio
  6. Then as you assign tasks to each person and you populate the field in the project - in the Portfolio you will see if they are over limit, how much they have left, etc.

Some things to consider
If you have a task which needs 5 hours but you are ok for it to be finished over 5 days, Asana will calculate 1 hour per day as workload and thus will show each day 7 hours free (assuming 8 hour workday)
We personally tried and not use it at the moment as it is mostly useless when things become more complex, you need to manually add each project to the portfolio, etc.
You can see by @Bastien_Siebman which provides some automation in that respect.

If you are on a premium account you only have workarounds available.
One option is to have a project where:

  1. You add a custom field hours
  2. You create a task for each person
  3. In the custom field you add their maximum time allowed
  4. Underneath you create a task for each actual task then need to do, but in the field you add the time the task will take with a “-” in front
    Asana will calculate and deduct the task value from the allowance per person
    This is veeeery manual and it takes a lot of work, as you need to add new task for allowance say once per week for each person and make sure their relevant tasks show underneath.

Third option is an external tool for time tracking / workload tracking, which I must say is the best option.

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