I watched the tutorials and it made total sense to me to have the My Tasks list broken down into Today, Upcoming and Later. I was telling my team to organize their tasks in this manner but I appear to be the only person to have all three of those categories. Most users don’t have any headers and two users have Today and Upcoming but no Later. Can I add headers with dropdowns and does that have to be done per individual user?
Hi @Dawn_Hieger!
In order for the Today/Upcoming/Later categories to appear in your My Tasks section, you must use the keyboard shortcut responsible for doing so. For the full list of Keyboard shortcuts, click the following link: Keyboard shortcuts in Asana | Product guide • Asana Product Guide
Otherwise I’ve attached a screenshot of the most relevant information below
If your colleagues don’t have one of these categories in their My Tasks, then they’ll need to use the keyboard shortcut to make it appear. On this point, it’s also important to note that the moment all the Tasks from a given category are either marked complete or are deleted, the category will collapse and you’ll need to use the shortcut again to make it appear.
Pro tip- use sections (Setting Up a Project in Asana | Product Guide • Asana Product Guide) within your categories for the dual purpose of holding their place (& keep them from collapsing) as well as to keep your My Tasks impeccably organized!
Hope this helps!
Hi Dawn
Just a quick point of clarification. In order for those sections to appear, there must be tasks labelled as Today, Upcoming or Later. If there are no tasks with those labels, the sections won’t be there. So you select a task by clicking somewhere on its title, then use the shortcuts that @Michael_A pointed out to label those tasks. Or, you could click the blue dot:
I just wanted to make it clear that the keyboard shortcuts in themselves won’t make the sections appear. It’s applying those shortcuts to tasks that does the trick.
Thanks for the replies.
I understand what you are saying but my team mates do not have the headers
for Today, Upcoming or Later, despite me assigning tasks that would apply
to each of those categories. It’s literally just a long list of tasks
without any headers to show a breakdown and it looks like one big mess of
things. They keep going back to the sort option to try to see what the
options are for the day and it’s very confusing.
So it’s not the issue of labeling the tasks but rather having a header
category for the sorting.
One of my bosses has Today and Upcoming but no Later category and again, he
has tasks that seem as though they would be in that section but it’s not
Hopefully this makes sense.
I don’t know if you’ve already tried this, but assigning due dates isn’t what triggers those sections. So, you assigning tasks that would apply to those categories won’t do it. Your colleagues have to go into their My Tasks section, where the tasks you’ve assigned them will be in the New Tasks section. They they select the tasks themselves and assign them appropriately.
If you’ve already tried that it didn’t work, it sounds like a bug to me. I’d send a message to technical support by filling out the form: Asana Support - Help Center • Asana They usually get back to you really quickly.
I hope you get it sorted out.
Ahha, thank you for that. I assumed that assigning the date would do it
since that seems to be how mine are laid out. I’ll give it a whirl and
report back to tech support if the issue remains.
I appreciate the quick feedback! Have a great Friday!
Hi there,
Did you figure this out? I have exactly the same issue…
I’ve trying to organize My Tasks by Today, Upcoming and Later but somehow I’m unable to find the Upcoming and Later marks. Any idea what’s happening?
Hi Rui,
If you don’t have any tasks that are set to upcoming or later, I guess it does not show the priority. Try creating a new task and turn it to upcoming. Doing this, the upcoming category may appear.
Hi @Rui_Cruz! I’ve merged your post with Headers are missing in My Tasks for some users - #6 by Dawn_Hieger; have a look at this specific post, it should help you to resolve your issue!
Hi - I seem to be having the same issue and I have tried to mark multiple items for ‘today’ using both the blue dot and the tab shortcuts. About 10 tasks are sitting at the top and refuse to respond to either method. I finally managed to get some into ‘Marked for Today’ that were in another section. I have refreshed the page a few times with no success.
Just fixed it.
If you have any SORT filters turned on this will cause some or all of the Today. Upcoming or Later categories to disappear.
Just turn off any sorting under ‘Views’ in the top right of the task list.
Thanks for keeping us posted @Zac_Kirkham
In the support documentation, My Tasks is separated by New, Today, Upcoming, and Later (How to Get Started With Asana My Tasks | Product Guide • Asana Product Guide). Mine does not do this. At least, I cannot figure out how to do it. Mine only has a long list of tasks. Please help.
Hi @Julian_C_Gomez,
I’ve merged your post with Headers are missing in My Tasks for some users. Check the first couple of posts in this thread for your answer.
Larry Berger
Asana2Go & Asana Certified Pro consultant at Trilogi Software