🏖 Get comfortable with only completing the most important tasks

I know the feeling. You prepare a big todo list for the next day, with tasks being sorted by priority (High, Medium, Low). At the end of the day, you completed the 3 items that were High. And the project is almost the same: tons of Medium and Low tasks. You feel bad, you feel like you did not accomplish much.

Get comfortable with only completing the most important tasks! Because if you decided they were a High priority, then having completed them all is a big win! And all those Medium and Low tasks can be done later, or never! Unless they become a High priority themselves.

Remember something: a Low priority task might disappear by itself overtime because it isn’t necessary anymore :slight_smile:

:fr: Version Française


Prioritization is a key step in my planning process before and throughout each week. As you described, it’s important to feel a sense of achievement when we complete what matters! It’s equally important to understand when you don’t have enough time and resources to complete what matters as well.

Absolutely! I often also find that those tasks also usually get handled over time as either a function of something else or a “just do” because I might find an opening in my schedule or learn the need is greater than originally stated.