Formula custom field with Advanced Editor

Hey everyone, I’m excited to share more great news with you; a much-wanted feature is gradually rolling out for Advanced Formulas: the TODAY Input! :tada:

With this update, you will now find the new Today input allowing you to use today’s date in a duration formula calculation for things like how long a task has been open (TODAY - Created On ) or how long until a task is due (Due Date - TODAY).

Here’s a few examples to get you started; copy & paste the following formulas into the Advanced tab:

Days left formula

Calculate the time between the task’s due date in relation to today.
Result in #d #h format or, if value is greater than a week, in #w #d
[[$DUE_DATE]] - [[$TODAY]]

Result in number of days in decimal format
( ( [[$DUE_DATE]] - [[$TODAY]] ) + 0 ) / 1440

Days open formula

Calculate the time between the task’s creation date in relation to today.
Result in #d #h format or, if value is greater than a week, in #w #d

Result in number of days in decimal format
( ( [[$TODAY]]-[[$CREATED_ON]] ) + 0 ) / 1440

:bulb: You can also find the Today input in the Basic formula editor too:

How will you use the new TODAY input in your formulas?