I’d love to see an option of filtering tasks by task name within the project - maintaining the view of columns and sections - like this:
Regular filter doesn’t give you such an option and advanced search is time consuming and returns results in an universal view, not asjusted to a given project.
2-3 months ago the option appeared in the list view but then is disappeared. I’m wondering why?
Hi @Seweryn_Plotan , welcome to the forum 
Do you mean the ‘search this project’ option which is/was on the right of the views bar under the overflow ...
Can you see this in your Asana space?
or this?
Hi, thanks for the response.
No, I mean exactly same the option on the toolbar as I drew in MS Paint:
However it was there for only a couple days and only in certein projects or views (might be List view).
The option “Search this project” returns tasks in “general” view - I’m missing sections and columns other then tags.
I’m looking for something similar to this: https://youtu.be/eYja_LBiFMo?t=73 but it should relate only to Task name. I remember Trello used to have it.
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Oh I see now.
It sounds like this was an A/B test. Perhaps the @Forum-team may be able to shed some light on it’s status?
Hi @Seweryn_Plotan, welcome to the Community!
I agree that this type of filtering would be helpful. Don’t forget to vote for your post as well. It seems like I was the first vote.
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