Allow "Filter by Project"

On the surface it would seem that this would be a strange request but with the great “multi-homing” feature of Asana I would find it helpful to be able to be able to filter by project within a project.

I my use case I would use this in our centralized “Active Work” project, great for seeing the big picture or all tasks across multiple projects, but would also like the ability to filter to just one project.

Too work around this I am creating a custom field for project name but this this is a bit redundant, extra effort and kludgy way to work around what what would seem could be a built in feature to the filter tool.


Thank you for the suggestion @Mike_Hoefer!
I think Advance Search is provided to serve that purpose, but it’d be indeed helpful if we can filter in the project by the multihomed projects.

P.S. My Tasks has the “sort by project” feature and porting that to projects might do as long as the project has a manageable number of tasks.

The Advance search is probably the best way and then you can save this search for use at any time.

I’ll give it a try. IIRC saved searches are user based, so not shareable with other team members? That is to say they would need to construct and save the search themselves?

@Mike_Hoefer , you can share saved search results. If you open the search, and click the chevron to the right of the Search Name, you get a “Copy Search Results Link” option.

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Just wanted to note for (future readers) that IMHO “Filter by project” is still a valid feature request.

I appreciate the tips around advanced search and such but those results are presented in their own view/SERP vs just filtering the task in the current view (be it list, board, calendar) which would be helpful in our use cases.


Hey all. Curious if there’s a way to filter tasks by projects its assigned to. We presently use rules to assign certain tasks to a secondary project, and in that secondary project, we’d like to be able to group all results by the project it’s assigned to. Presently, we do this manually by adding sections, but we’d like to filter by groups.

Hi @Nick_Rivero, thanks for taking the time to provide this feedback!

It’s not currently possible to filter tasks in a project by multi-homed projects. While this feature isn’t available at this time, hopefully it’s something our Product team can implement in the future :slight_smile:

I’ll keep you posted and let you know if we have any updates :slight_smile:

I’ve merged your request into an existing one; please click the thread title to scroll to the top and vote with the purple Vote button.



I have tasks shared between projects, I’d like to filter tasks in Project X according to if they also belong to project Y or X.

I’ve merged your request into an existing one; please click the thread title to scroll to the top and vote with the purple Vote button.



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Note: Not a solution but marked as such to elevate a key reply

Until/if Asana adds this capability, see @ShunS’s post in this thread for a workaround, also note the default advanced search parameter “In any of these projects”:


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hi all, Advanced Search didn’t work for me because it only allows me to select tasks that are in a single project, or ALL projects. What I need is to filter tasks that are in project X or Y, not X and Y.

@Vicky_Parry, in Advanced Search you can use the parameter “In any of these projects” to accomplish what you need.

I updated my post to include a screenshot:

Completely agree. I would also like to see this feature. I’ve voted on the top of the page

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Hi There,

In Asana Project, is it possible to filter tasks by projects? In our Asana project structure, we move subtasks to different projects. This affects our “Created in Last Day” count, as it includes tickets from other projects. We’ve tried filtering them using sections, but our count is still off. Do you have any recommendations for getting an accurate task count?

Welcome, @Jayson_Pare,

I’ve merged your post into an existing thread where you can click the title to scroll to the top and vote by clicking the purple Vote button.




Being about to filter by project is especially useful within MyTasks. It allows you to focus in on one project at a time and to get a quick sense of how many tasks you have in any one project.

In addition, many of the people on our team use asana for their work as part of our company and also use it for personal stuff. Being able to filter out the personal projects from MyTask would be quite useful when you want to scan all your tasks to more effectively plan your work week and not have to look at all the personal task at the same time.

Did that distinction make sense?