Falsy inbox notification dot

Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing:
For a few days now, I often have a “notification dot” in the organization menu and the inbox button in the sidenav, and once I am inside, there is no notification.

Steps to reproduce:
Hard to say, sorry.

Browser version:
Latest Chrome on Mac OS.

Hey @Bastien_Siebman!

Thanks for the report this does sound very odd, before I pass this on let’s do some troubleshooting!

  1. Could you please confirm if this only happens in a specific browser (eg. Chrome)? Furthermore, could you possibly try another browser for a short period of time to see if this issue also happens there?
  2. Could you please confirm if you have multiple windows/tabs of Asana open at the same time?

I am looking forward to your reply, let’s work on this together :muscle:

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Hi @Bastien_Siebman :wave:t3: Any update on your end?

Not sure if I have seen it again.

Thanks for the update. I’m closing this bug for now and will re-open it if the issue surface again!

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Happened again in Fluid.app and in Chrome. I was seeing a dot in the org list, went to the org, and there was no inbox dot.

Thanks for the report Bastien.

Unfortunately, we don’t support Fluid.app, so there isn’t much I can do for that; however, if you can reproduce in Chrome, this is something we can action.

Can you confirm you didn’t have multiple Asana tab opened when that happened?

This often happens to me too, but every time it does I have multiple tabs opened > Inbox is updated in one tab, and not in the other > so I’m seeing an orange dot while I’ve no new notification.

Looking forward to your reply!

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