Error Actual Time

I am trying to access the real-time detail or Time Tracking through the API. However, one type of task is causing me an issue.

Outside the task, it shows one value, but when I check the details, the value does not match.

For example:

If you manage to identify that the total time is 4 minutes,
but the detail only shows 2 minutes

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Hi @Diego_RamĂ­rez , the large number (2mins) is the sum of the actual time entries below (1min each).
This is expected and appears correct.

However, behind the popup I just noticed 4mins is displaying in the task details pane which is strange, indeed. Is the same wrong number displayed in the List view?

I can’t seem to recreate this issue:

Try these troubleshooting steps here.

Hola Richard, en efecto es un problema
porque la tarea me indica que tiene un total de 4 min.
pero solo puedo visualizar 2 min
cuando intento agregar tiempos a estas tareas con problemas similares. la tarea entra en Bug y queda imposible de editar .

considero que si es un fallo que esta presentando asana @asana

@Diego_RamĂ­rez , I translated your reply and understand but please try to stick to English in this part of the forum :sweat_smile:

Perhaps @Vanessa_N or @Emily_Roman could look into this potential bug and escalate if necessary.

Thanks Richard

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Hello Richard, were you able to identify any issues?
Or find a solution regarding the matter?

Hi @Diego_Ramírez, in case it isn’t clear, I don’t work for Asana (I’m a Solutions Partner and a volunteer Forum Leader) so I don’t have such information, unfortunately. That is why I pinged the @Forum-team who could check this issue with the product team.

Hi @Diego_Ramírez, thanks for reaching out and sorry for the issue you are experiencing! Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to reproduce this on my Asana instance so my hunch is that this is a glitch on this specific task. I recommend you to reach out to our support team following these steps and share the following information?

  • URL of the task
  • Possibly a screencast (I’ve added some tips below), that would really help speed up investigations or at least a screenshot illustrating the error you receive when you try to add time and Asana crashes.

Loom is a great app for video screencasts:

In your video screencast, we recommend that you use a Chrome Incognito window and have your Javascript console open:

Try to include the entire browser window, including URL bar, in the video screencast.

Let me know if there is anything else we can help with!

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