Empty teams can't be deleted by admin, as deleting 'has been restricted by team admin'

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Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing:
Teams which have no members in cannot be deleted by the organisation admin. When hovering over the ‘Delete team’ button, the error message says ‘Permission to delete this team has been restricted by a team admin’. But there is no team admin.

Steps to reproduce:
Navigate to Admin Console. Locate an empty team with 0 members. Attempt to delete the team.

Browser version:
Chrome Version 117.0.5938.62 (Official Build) (arm64)

What version of Asana are you using (Basic/Premium/Business/Enterprise)?
Premium. Also replicated on Business.

Upload screenshots below:

I am not sure this is seen as a bug by Asana. You need to contact support to regain access if no one is left in the team or it is missing a team admin.

If an administrator can’t administrate empty teams, that seems like an odd – I would have thought reducing reliance on the support team seems like sensible product design to me…

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Hi @Ronan_Gay, sorry to hear about this trouble. Can you confirm if you are an admin or super admin? When it comes to team management, admins do have some limitations compared to super admins. You can find a full list of capabilities here.