Empty tasks are now automatically removed

Amen. The Tab+N replacement drives me bonkers


Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing:
(Chrome, Windows 10)
Until a recent update, I could create empty lines in the task list by hitting enter.
I cannot do that anymore.

Steps to reproduce:
In My Tasks, put the cursor in the task name in the list.
Hit enter.
Hit enter again. No additional lines are created.

Browser version:
Chrome 71

Upload screenshots below:

Hi @Tim_Morris
This is not actually a bug. Asana have update to remove blank tasks after lots of requests to. You will need to add some sort of character to represent the break so the task is retained.


Hi @Tim_Morris, just to add to @Jason_Woods reply, you can also add an empty space to your empty task, this way it will remain and look blank!

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Is there a way to turn this off somewhere in settings? I liked my blank space tasks!

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Hi @Peter_Varga; no that’s not possible at the moment, however you can still use your empty tasks; simply follow these steps. Hope this helps!

why is Asana auto deleting my empty rows?
can you make it a option, rather than a forced behaviour?
I use empty rows to add some visual distinction to groups of items

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Just put one space as the title for the task - it will look blank and Asana will not remove it.

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Seems like you’ve taken out the functionality of adding empty lines in all lists! I use Asana a lot to randomly and quickly jot down lists that I will organise later. Thats one of the key practices in GTD - getting it down in your inbox and sorting it later. Empty lines are a great tool to visually separate your tasks… Please bring them back!

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You can add your voice to "Tab+N" our new shortcut to create Sections

Hi @Parmeet_Shah and thanks for reaching out!

There is actually a workaround to keep your empty tasks, simply create a task, add a space into the title and it will not be deleted! Hope this helps @Parmeet_Shah :slight_smile:

yes, yes, please DO this. Thank you for suggesting this Hannah, it’s a fantastic suggestion.

This would mean some ppl transition to using ‘non-task’ breaks instead of empty tasks (or - now - tasks whose name is a single strike of the spacebar lol) but would have the advantage to power-user of having creating a second category of breaks in projects. I would very happily use the two different types of breaks to represent different relations between headed groups of tasks. I think lots of ppl would love that extra parameter useful.

Has there been any changes to this yet? I am with everyone else whom cant stand the automatic removal of empty tasks. Its SO much easier to be able to add some spacing below categories! Yes, I do use the single space but HATE that “solution.” Especially because my OCD cant stand forgetting to have to remove the space when using the line. Then, I am having to go back and edit to remove the space. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

Please tell me since Feb/April something has changed!


Additionally, I see this Feature Request - Automatically delete accidentally created tasks which had a small 10 votes and I see this thread that has 50+ ?!

I’m late for this party. What’d I miss?

It seems that accidental empty subtasks are still a thing and auto delete accidentally created tasks was a feature to fix that bad UX. But, some people used it as an unintended feature to format their subtasks.

Ideally, the UX should not create an empty subtask if it is indeed empty and then there would be an actual feature for adding spacing between lists.

Perhaps next year.