Embedded form not working Incognito

When visiting an embedded form with an Incognito browser window, the form is not embedded. Instead, it just has a link to the form within Asana.

To reproduce, simply go to an embedded form within an Incognito window. It works as expected if not Incognito.

We have tested in Safari, Chrome and Edge with the same results.

Welcome to the Asana Community Forum @Steve_Karr👋

Can you please check the form settings to confirm the form permission is set to: Anyone can access?

Yes. is is set to ‘Anyone’. Please see attached.
Screenshot 2022-12-21 121727

I see.
I recommend reaching out to Asana Support in this case so they can advise further.

I have the same issue on https://yeti-jobs.com, even though I am not using Incognito… :thinking:

Hello @Steve_Karr and apologies for the late follow-up!

Unfortunately, this is an expected behavior, and our team is working on updating the copy to advise users to open the forum in another window instead of prompting them to “Complete the Forum”. Apologies for the trouble and the confusion with the CTA here!

Hi Bastien, are you still having this problem? I’m not aware of anything we’ve changed over the last two weeks (in fact, we’ve been in a holiday code freeze most of that time) but when I checked https://yeti-jobs.com just now in both a regular and Private Browsing window the embedded form rendered properly as expected.

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Yes Alex it still shows the “Complete the form” button for me, even in incognito… Feel free to book a call with me to look at it together!

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