Duplicate field blocking Tableau integration, continues after being deleted

Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing: I had an error using the Tableau Web Connector due to a duplicate field (one manual and one auto-generated by Asana - ‘Priority’). I deleted the manually created field from Asana, but the error is still coming up.

Steps to reproduce: Connect to Web Connector. Input Team URL. Inner join Projects to TaskProjects to Tasks.

Browser version: Chrome Version 80.0.3987.163, Tableau Desktop 2019.3

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Anyone able to help with this Tableau issue @Phil_Seeman, @lpb, @Julien_RENAUD, @Bastien_Siebman?

When you remove a custom field, it stays attached to tasks that had a value for a while. The field appears disabled with a trash next to it, maybe that’s it and you need to remove those?

Hi Bastien, when I search ‘Add Field from Library’, we now only show a single field for ‘Priority’. How else can I test that? We’ve been using Asana for a while (longer than I’ve been on the team) and have hundreds of tasks if not thousands.

Still failing, but I have some more info. It works to ONLY extract the Tasks view. When joined (inner or left) with TasksProjects view, it gives the error of duplicate Priority field. When I view the metadata of the view, I see there is field name ‘Priority’ with remote name cf_1127452321406345, and field name ‘Priority (Tasks)’ with remote name cf_450208853381021.

Any ideas?

@Marie – any chance you could point me in the direction of someone who can help?

Did you find any task in this project with a remaining “old Priority” custom field value displayed?