I created portfolios during my free trial, and now that we have the premium version, we can’t access the portfolios. I want to delete them since they obviously can’t be used anymore, but I can’t get past a pop-up informing me that portfolios are a business feature. There is no drop-down arrow next to the portfolio name. Any help is appreciated!
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Hi @Caelyn_Brintnell thanks for your question.
From my point of view, your portfolios are safe, and just stored for the moment without causing any harm (if one day, for some reason, you decide to move to business again, you might be happy to retrieve them).
However, if there is something I don’t get, and you need to remove them, I would advise contacting the great Asana support for that.
They might be busy with more urgent cases, but I’m sure they will get to you as soon as possible.
2 options:
- Fill out this form: Asana Support - Help Center • Asana
- Or send an email to: support@asana.com
Good luck
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