We are working frequently with guests that we invite into ASANA on specific projects.
Our employees share projectboards with said guests and tag these guests within said projects.
Due to the fact that our employees and the guests are ‘connected’ through a shared project-board, an employee can add a guest (for example by accident) to a private all-different task (in an all-different project) which the guests is NOT allowed to see.
My question is as follows: Is there a way to prevent our employees from (accidentally) adding collaborators to tasks they’re not supposed to?
Unless a project member is a added as a commenter or a viewer they can add new members to a project.
If someone has comment access or is a collaborator on a task they they can @mention anyone in the workspace, consequently that person will be added as a collaborator to that task they will receive comment/edit access to a task. There currently isn’t a way to prevent this.
I suggest looking through the forum to see if you can find something that is requesting permissions similar to what you are asking for and upvote. If there isn’t anything already existing, create a product feedback requesting these permission features.