Automated workback schedule with subtasks - from a template

Hey Asana community. Newer user here and looking for a way to setup subtask date ranges in templates that would automatically adjust based on the end date of the parent task.

Here’s the use case: We are producing multiple webinars and have a list of repeatable subtasks all with different date ranges. That’s where the template will be helpful. When I duplicate the template into an actual task, is there a way for subtasks dates to get adjusted based on my chosen end date?

In other words, if I need to kickoff my webinar task three weeks before it publishes, can I automate that workback schedule and the start/end dates for various subtasks when I convert my template to an actual task?

Hi @anon27086261 - (from @Phil_Seeman) is the only way to do this. It takes a little setup, but it works great! I highly recommend it. It offers a “workback” automation.