We have many documents that are revised and added regularly in folders in Google Drive. When these new documents get updated in the drive, is there a way for it to automatically sync or link the newest files that was uploaded to the drive to the corresponding project in Asana without having to manually attach the newest revision?
@Brian_Anderson If the document is the same name then I believed it did. I have something similar which I update every month. It always goes to the latest version…
If you are changing the name like updating a version number at the end of the document name then I can understand why.
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Hi @Brian_Anderson and @Jason_Woods,
Jason is right here, when uploading a document from your Google Drive, you’re not uploading the document itself to Asana, but just a link to the document; so as long as you don’t create a copy of your document, the link will remain the same and point to the latest version of your document!
Hope this helps,
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