Asana Zoom Integration - comments and bullet points

Our team is loving the Asana Zoom Integration. We are going to begin using it to create agendas (by using the task description for agenda items), and take notes during Zoom using the Asana integration. However, we want to take our notes in comments, and currently, only Action Items and Questions are allowable. Will comments be available in the integration at any point? And, will text editing options like bold, bullet points, etc. be available?


Hi @Lauren_Henderson1

Welcome to the forum.

When you create an agenda, the agenda will appear in your zoom meeting, and you can capture comments directly into the tasks (agenda items) you are covering.

Everyone in the meeting who is in the asana project, will be able to access the tasks and add their comments.

You can read more about the integration here.

Hopefully this helps.


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Thank you!

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