Asana is one of our major tools and we would love to add the Asana app to our Mobile app policy but we discovered that Asana is not on the list of public Apps available in Microsoft Intune. So I’d like to suggest that Asana should be covered by an intune policy in the future.
Hi @anon19053787, welcome to the Asana Community Forum
Thanks for taking the time to provide this feedback! Hopefully this is something our Product team can look to implement in the future. I’ll keep you posted and let you know if we have any updates
I had success to add Asana in Intune to send the installation to a specific user group.
The first step was to convert exe file to intunewin file. (guide)
The second step is to create a group of users (security group) on Azure Active Directory.
Then, go to Intune > Apps > Windows > Add > Windows app (Win32) and upload the file you generated on first step. (AsanaSetup.intunewin)
Then, go ahead using the information below to guide you.
Install command: AsanaSetup.exe /S
Uninstall command: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Asana\Update.exe" --uninstall
Detection rule type: File
Detection rule Path: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Asana
File or Folder: Asana.exe
Detection Method: File or folder exists
If you have any other highlight just answer this post. My next step is to do the same configuration for MacOS devices, I will have success on this as soon as I discover the App bundle ID (CFBundleIdentifier) for Asana. If you guys know something just let me know.
Take care!
I think I found it on macOS Asana installation.
Applications > > Contents > Info.plist
CFBundleIdentifier: com.electron.asana
CFBundleShortVersionString: 1.11.1
Rebecca - Do you have an update on this.
This is key for our customers to be able to support Asana securely on mobile.
Thanks for your feedback, @Wes_Lazara! This is on our team’s radar and we hope to have news soon. I’ll keep you posted!
I agree, we are unable to put any sensitive info into Asana, including file attachments due to this significant security gap with the mobile app. MS has extensive documentation on how to modify apps to support the Intune policy SDK: Benefits of Intune App SDK - Microsoft Intune | Microsoft Learn
Echoing this request. This is a critical feature for us - without it, our users will not be allowed to leverage Asana on mobile, which obviously detracts from the utility of the platform.
Jumping on here with the others w/r/t Asana Intune integration- is there a timeline available? Seems like this request has lingered for quite a bit.
Hi everyone, I’m excited to share we are rolling out the new Intune Integration for iOS! Please find more information in our announcement below:
Feel free to comment on the announcement if you have any questions!