Asana Release Notes June 2024

Hi everyone,

Please find below our latest release notes! Let us know if the comments if you have any questions or feedback!

  • Weighted goals: Define the significance of the individual subgoals, projects, and tasks to specify which most impact a goal’s progress.
  • Capacity planning group by project view: View capacity plans grouped by projects to manage project staffing.
  • Pause a member’s license: Manage your billing cycle more effectively by pausing the licenses of temporarily inactive users in your domain.
  • Member invite control: Allow customers operating in highly sensitive markets to restrict member invites in a sub-organization of a multi-org deployment.
  • API guest restrictions: Admins and super admins of Enterprise+ organizations can restrict guests from using the API for apps and personal access tokens.
  • Updated account email policy: Exclusively add compatible email addresses to an Asana account to maintain the highest level of security and privacy.
  • Chrome extension + Asana update: Easily search, create, and edit tasks from any webpage while using the Chrome browser.
  • Gmail “Send Email” rules: Add email recipients and details based on Asana rule variables when sending an email.
  • Inbox notifications for smart summaries: Get an AI generated summary of a project or portfolio delivered to your inbox to share with others when using Smart summaries.
  • Convert tasks to approvals: Convert tasks into approvals from anywhere in Asana, regardless of the assignee tier-level.

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5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Use Custom Date Field in Calendar View

FYI I merged the posts re. a custom date field in the calendar into an existing thread on that topic. It’s really cleanest if we can keep the Release Notes posts focused on the items that were released and mentioned in the post.