Asana "Dark Mode" Color Option

+1 for dark mode

Please, dark mode :slight_smile:




@Emily_Roman I’m sorry it doesn’t seem that you do care.

This has 34k views, 611 votes, 223 replies, was created in 2017 and you have yet to provide a resolution for it!

Do you honestly have a valid reason on why you ignore your clients on such a simple feature that you could have been introduced years ago?

Please elaborate.


If my workplace didn’t use Asana, I would be ditching it so fast. Dark mode is literally so easy to implement and my eyes are not happy. It is a little infuriating that this company won’t even respond to this thread in a meaningful way, let alone implementing dark mode.

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+1 vote for dark mode. I get migraines which makes it hard to stare at white backgrounds while working. This would be a great accessibility feature to add.

+1 for dark mode too! should be standard across all websites really!

+1000 Dark mode all the things!!!

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Hi all :wave:t2: I have some exciting news

Dark mode is now available on both web and the desktop app! :tada:

Check out this post for all the dark details and share your feedback in the comments :sunglasses:

Are you as excited for dark mode as I am? :star_struck: