Any recommendations for time tracking on Asana?

Hi all, I’m looking to track the time of my Agency department for project tasks so that I can quote clients appropriately.

These are the key features I’d like:

  • Import projects easily (so I don’t have to manually add tasks to track)
    *Time reporting is done directly in task cards. I have a custom field on asana for “estimated hours” vs “actual hours” and would love for the “actual hours” field to automatically populate once the tracked time is confirmed/approved.
    *Can set billable vs non-billable hours
    *5-7 users preferably, unlimited projects

I’ve looked into Harvest which seems to be my top pick so far but I can’t seem to figure out how to distinguish billable vs non-billable hours. It also doesn’t note the reported time spent directly in task cards.

I’ve also trialled Everhour which at least reports time directly in task cards but I heard that everything is tracked by US time only.

@Fiona_Leung, I think the best place in the Forum to look is:

Hope that helps,



We use Everhour and it’s great. Harvest is nice, good support for retainers etc.

But Everhour wins. Very solid product.

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