At my company we have an A/R board we have set up in asana - this is where we have each project laid out with multiple columns such as; total $, pay schedule, project start/finish dates, assignees etc,.
We also have columns related to project hours included: allotted hours, hours scheduled, hours tracked. Right now we have to go into each individual project board to see what the total hours tracked are and manually transfer that time into the column in the A/R board. Im wondering if there is a way to have that manually pull that number in real time as it happens?
Keeping in mind we have integrated Everhour into asana so that is how the time is tracked in individual project boards.
Welcome to the forum, @Hope_Muldoon! Are you “projects” tasks inside of a project or projects inside of a portfolio?
Hi @Stephen_Li – we are projects inside of a portfolio! 
@Hope_Muldoon - gotcha, I’m not sure if this will work with Everhour, but Asana recently enabled rollups for numeric fields in portfolios (as long as it’s a global custom field). E.g., if you have a numeric field in your projects called Actual Hours and set values there on the tasks, you can add this same field to your portfolio and sum up all the task values in each project. E.g., below:
Inside Project
Inside Portfolio
That $260k is the sum of all Deal Values on tasks in the “I am a project” project