"Add section" button below subtasks list

It is quite finicky to add a Section for subtasks in a task.

If you use the shortcut Tab-N in the “wrong” place (e.g. this seems to occur if your cursor is at the start of a subtask name in the Details View) then the new Section is created in the main task list, instead of inside the task you are working on.

Other times, the shortcut will create a Section among the subtasks - this seems to occur when the cursor is at the end of a task name.

[Note: this may be a bug - please follow up with that if so]

In any case, it is very difficult to add Sections inside a Task, but these are very useful for separating Subtasks.

My suggestion (other than fixing Tab-N’s consistency) would be to add a button for Add section next to the Add subtask button (see screenshot below), so at least you could click on that and be assured you’ll get a new Section in the right place (inside the Task and not inside the Project List).


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