Add filter by people option in Inbox

I would love to be able to filter my Asana inbox by people in a similar way to how I can filter my emails in Gmail by a from: email address. After applying the filter, I should be able to see all inbox items that include a comment, task completed, like, etc from the person chosen on the filter.


Example of when this would be useful: I’m preparing for a 1-1 call with one of my team members and I want to review recent messages and comments from them to see if I need to follow up on anything on the meeting.

Interesting, I upvoted!

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Hi @benkula, thanks for providing this feedback!

While this feature isn’t available right now, hopefully it’s something our Product team can implement in the future.

I’ll keep you posted and let you know if we have any updates :slight_smile:

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Rebecca McGrath, any updates on this feature?

At this point we don’t have any indication of filters coming to the Inbox. I hope it comes soon!

I’ve seen this option appear in a couple of client accounts. I’ve hoping it’s on its way across the board (and also that it gets extended to the Archive where it would probably be more helpful).

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