Using the addProject API for “Add a project to a task”, is it possible to add the task to multiple projects?
I see the body parameter expects the dat to include the project ID. But, can I simply add multiple project IDs (comma separated) to add the task to multiple projects?
Do you happen to know of a simple way to add a task to multiple projects (other than duplicating the call X amount of times)? I’m using Zapier, and was hoping to do some basic code to handle this.
Hey ! In fact I have an application in vuejs. I use axios for ajax. However, when I make a get to the ASana api, here is the error that the server returns:
Access to XMLHttpRequest at ‘’ from origin ‘http://localhost:8000’ has been blocked by CORS policy: Request header field x-csrf-token is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers in preflight response.
Just to make sure it’s clear for @FreshyJon - you’re still doing a separate API method to add to each project, there’s no way around that; but using the batch approach, you only have to go over the wire once (or more accurately, once for every 10 API methods) instead of N times where N is the number of API methods you need to do.