Ability to post GIFs that play

Why have we had to ask for this for 3 years? Give us the GIFs!


Are GIFs Available yet?

you can drop animated gif on asana task and they will be turned into a comment and animate BUT BUT BUT you can’t paste them into a comment. A pasted file will just be a still GIF.

So, it looks like you can’t make a comment, paste an animated gif and perhaps continue your comment.

Disappointing. We are in January of 2021.


Can we haz the GIFs now? :crying_cat_face:

I definitely wanted to add this Gif to one of my updates today

I hope everyone in here is remembering to also vote on this topic so that it gathers momentum.

Please please please. Gifs are needed in our comments

Hi everyone!

It’s currently possible to add gifs that play to your comments! You just need to upload the gif and it will play every time you hover over it.

ezgif.com-gif-maker (23)

Let me know if you have any questions or feedback! :slight_smile:


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