Ability to create and assign tasks from Google Docs

YYYYESSS, this would be solid

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I think about this at least once a day – we take meeting notes in google docs and to be able to convert a task assignment to a task in asana would be faaaaaantastic (two-way integration would be great as well, i.e. marking a task “done” in asana marks it done in google docs and vice versa)


Adding myself to the gravy train here… +1

This would be great! I hope it gets implemented.

Yes, please!

@asana1 Why hasn’t this happened yet?


I connected with Zapier because I wanted this same integration. They opened a ticket for this request so if enough people ask for it, they might make it happen.


Yes ! I wake up thinking about this…


We take all our client meeting notes in Google Docs and then write action items at the end.

We would love to have a quick easy way to highlight these action items and add them as a Task to Asana.

I see this thread here but seems like no resolution?

I would like to see something where much like where you highlight a line of text in a Google Doc and comment on it, if you could highlight that text and turn it in to an Asana Task AND have that link between the two so you can come back to your meeting notes, click through to the task and see if it actually did get done.

Similar to how Confluence and Jira work together:


Hi @Gary_Capps1, thanks for reaching out!

As it stands, it’s currently not possible to connect Asana to Google docs. You can use Zapier to connect Asana to Google Sheets, you can see more details in this link:

As a workaround, you can have a look at the Asana for Gmail add-on. With this add-on you can create tasks from emails so when you receive an email notification for a comment in Google docs, you can create a reminder task in Asana.

I hope this helps!

I’ve been messing around with an integration between G-Docs and Asana using Zapier all day today. Did you ever get this working? I’m reeeeeeeealllly close, but I can’t nail it.

I’m going G-Doc comment → gmail notification → assign label in gmail → trigger Zap based on label → create Asana task

It’s kind of working - I’m getting tasks to show up eventually in Asana, but I’m trying to get the right info in the right fields - tricky and I’ve not figured that part out.

Any joy?


I wonder if the g-doc comment needs to go to a webhook or email parser first THEN trigger the asana task…

I want all tasks to live in Asana and when in Asana I want the user to have easy access to where in the document I need their help. I feel a browser extension might be the best option here, allowing an Asana task to be created, and cross-linked, from a Google Doc comment.

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Just chiming in to add another voice calling for Asana to please add this functionality natively (without requiring a third-party automation utility… especially a utility that Asana has somewhat-infamously declined to provide much-needed help maintaining, resulting in a lack of support for much of the newer API functionality).


With the glacial pace of Asana improvements I won’t hold my breath. Would be great I agree

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PLEASE Asana this would be such a helpful feature!! We literally can’t get people off their emails if they need to go there to see all of their Google Doc and Google Sheet comments :frowning: +100000% to this request!:slight_smile:


YES PLEASE this would amazing! Asana please help tie everything together.


I have been an Asana user for 6+ years. I would also really like this feature.