You can now Favorite and Export your Portfolios to CSV!

Hi folks,

I’m delighted to announce that you can now Export your Portfolio to CSV or Google Sheet and Favorite them! These two features were among the most popular feedback in the Forum when we launched Portfolio, and it’s exciting to see they are live only one month and a half after the initial launch!

So let’s take a closer look at these two new options:

  • Export to CSV or Google Sheets: Simply click on the “…” menu next to your Portfolio’s name and select Export > Google Sheet/CSV

  • Favorite your Portfolio: Simply click on the little :star:icon next to the Portfolio’s title to automatically save your Portfolio in the “Favorite” section of your left sidebar:

As always, if you have any questions or feedback, please let us know in the comments below!

Hi Marie,

We were excited to hear about this possibility, since we want to use the Portfolio to provide visibility of project status to the rest of the company. Unfortunately, when we export to csv, there are a lot of additional files that do not show on Asana (Team, URL, Description…) that get transferred to the exported file, so we have to do a lot of clean up every time before we share it with the employees. Any plans on having more control over the fields that get exported or remove those fields, since they are not on the Portfolio screen or any suggestions for what we want to accomplish? We will be sharing the project status information through an internal SharePoint site.