When in project, need quick way to get to "team" in sidebar

Hi, I have many teams and many projects in my sidebar. I manage a department that is like a team but we have several sub-teams. We have different types of projects in our sub-teams and I use Asana’s sidebar teams to organize types of projects. (My department is really like an “Organization.” We could use another level in the hierarchy.)

User Story
When I am in a project, I need to easily get to the team (not the project team but the team listed in the sidebar) so that I can see other related projects quickly.

If the top of the project view had an indicator of the team the project is under and if that indicator were a link, I could click and go to the team in the left nav bar. I wouldn’t want another tab or window to open and I wouldn’t want to leave the project view I am in.

At some point (recently??) the search bar now shows results for TEAMS. I noticed Project names were added (a couple of weeks ago?).

This is a huge help. But wish I did not have to start typing to easily get to a team when I’m already in a team project.