Webhooks without body

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Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing:
Webhook sends sometimes empty events. So the body of the payload from the webhook looks like this:

{"events": []}

Steps to reproduce:
We created a webhook like this:

  "data": {
    "resource": "[project_gid]",
    "target": "[url_of_target_server]",
    "filters": [
        "action": "added",
        "resource_type": "task"

Handshake etc. works fine but some events (always during a certain timespan) arrive with an empty payload (see above).

Hi @Christian_Rickenbach, welcome to the Community Forum :wave:

I’m sorry to hear you run into trouble here! I’ve escalated your case to our Development Team so they can investigate further and will get back in touch with you once I hear any updates from them. Thanks!


That’s what a handshake event looks like. How do you know those are not handshake events? (I’m betting they are.)

@Phil_Seeman thanks for your quick answer. Yes you are right, we missed that part in the documentation. We have misinterpreted the term “Empty Payload” in the heartbeat graph and after reading again now the doc properly I found the part that describes this properly:

Note: this list may be empty, as periodically we send a "heartbeat" webhook to verify that the endpoint is still available.

We also found the actual problem that led us to suspect. So everything is working fine for us now.

Thanks for your help

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Hi @Christian_Rickenbach, our Development Team has just confirmed that these are heartbeat events. Here’s a link to the API docs for more info.


Webhooks have a “heartbeat” that will deliver an empty payload to your webhook server at the initial handshake, and then every eight hours. This is to ensure the webhook events are still able to be sent to a healthy webhook server.

Happy to hear that everything works fine on your end! :slight_smile:

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