Issue in creating webhooks

I am trying to create Webhooks for a project but i can’t able to create. Once i execute the function an empty map is returning and getting the resposne {“errors”:[{“message”:“Could not complete activation handshake with target URL. Please ensure that the receiving server is accepting connections and supports SSL”,“help”:“For more information on API status codes and how to handle them, read the docs on errors: Build an app with Asana”}]}
Please help me to solve this.


Your URL used for the handshake is an HTTPs address?

Hi Bastien,
Yes, The URL used for the handshake is an HTTPs address.

Try to have a look at Webhook creation dosn't wok - #9 by Eyal_Ronel maybe :thinking:

I have checked the above.
But didn’t got clear idea why this is happening.
This was worked early but now it’s not working.

@Joe_Trollo @Jeff_Schneider @Matt_Bramlage any idea?

Team, Any update regarding this?

Hi @Thiyagu,

Debugging these handshake requests is one of the larger pain points with our webhooks. At this point, I’m unable to investigate the specific issue with your handshakes, and can only make recommendations that others have already (Is your server able to receive the handshake requests? Is it responding within 10 seconds? Is it sending back the handshake secret?).

However, because the majority of problems here are the result of a small number of things going wrong, I’ve cut into our webhook code and changed how we report errors. Soon, when creating webhooks, you’ll get more specific messages indicating what went wrong, which should make it much easier to debug. These messages include things like:

  • The remote server refused the connection.
  • The remote server did not respond within 10000 milliseconds.
  • The remote server responded with an incorrect status code.
  • The remote server did not respond with the handshake secret.

It will take another few days for this change to make it to production, but after it does you can try making webhooks again and learn more about what’s going wrong. I’ll update this post once I’ve confirmed that the change is live.


Thank you Joe, great to have a better granularity in the error messages.

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The new behavior has been deployed to production. @Thiyagu, can you try to make a webhook again and report if you receive a more specific error message?