using webhook in rule to assignee and set due date

im trying to use the webhook in the rule builder to set an assignee
in asana the json payload is recongnized and i can set the assigne and due date

in this screenshot it is shown that the variables are recongnized from the post request

it shown here that i can’t use the varriables to set the date

in this screenshot it’s shown that i can’t set the assignee aswell

how can i use these variables in the rule builder ? or is it limited to comments only ?

my json in the post request:

  "data": {
    "resource": "1207812836707823",
    "action_data" : {
    "Details" : "$type $Desc",
    "isSite" : "$isSite",
    "isMeeting" : "True",
    "StartDate": "$AppDate",
    "StartTime" : "$timea",
    "DueDate" : "12/12/2024",
    "DueTime" : "null",
     "user": {
            "id": "12345",
            "name": "Ross" 

i meant to say :

im trying to use the webhook in the rule builder to set an assignee
in asana the json payload is recongnized but i can’t set the assigne and due date


This is still confusing so I went back to review your posts and screenshots.

How exactly did you get this popup to display:

That’s not something that’s part of any Asana I’ve ever seen, and there are no webhooks within the rule builder I’ve ever heard of. So I’m quite baffled.


in the builder there is a trigger called webhook as shown

in my case i wanted to create a task when a webhook is recived

in the descrition i can access the variables in the payload and add them in the description of the task
by clicking on the + sign following this path variable>webhook

and it seems i can use the variables to assignee the task i have an option to choose variable assignee

first issue
when i choose the option assign to a variable assignee i get this box in it writtern add variable
no matter how i click in it or write nothing happends

second issue

i can set the due date as it was given in the variable

the documentation i found for the feature



Ah OK. So a couple of things…

Thanks for the additional information. I’ve never used or played around with the Incoming Web Request feature so wasn’t familiar with it. But I’ve just educated myself on it and tested it out.

A word of caution to start: I would not use this in a production setting. Per the documentation on it:

This feature is currently in beta and is expected to change. This API is to be used for testing only as an advance preview into the final product. During this period, we recommend against using the API in production apps.

In terms of what you’re wanting to do, I don’t see that setting either the assignee or the due date from data sent in the web request payload is currently possible. Neither the “Set assignee” nor “Set due date” rule actions support the full use of variables that includes “Web request” like the “Set description” does.

I do think you could set the assignee using a combination of the web request feature and our Flowsana integration. If that’s something you’re interested in, shoot us an email asking for more details and please reference this forum thread. Unfortunately that only applies to the assignee; I can’t see a way to set the due date from a date in the web request payload, even using Flowsana.

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