Update status: highlight Sections with the task complete or incomplete

I suggest to add an highlight on the statu update.

On my status update, when I write the part “What’s blocked”, I would like to have the possibility to drag&drop an highlight where I choose one project section and I see all tasks inside it.

That allow to see all blocking task during the project life.

I see that as the “Complete tasks ” but instead to have the completed task I can choose the project section and see all tasks.


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Very good idea and use case, I vote for it!


Is there anyway to add a specific section from a project to the status update? I’ve used the upcoming, overdue, completed tasks from the highlight area on the right but it doesn’t the option to filter to a key section in the project.

Hey @TheLizWay,
I have found an existing feedback request thread.

Is this what you are looking for?

Yes, exact same question. Thanks!