The PKCE `code_verifier` does not match the stored code challenge."


I keep getting this error “The PKCE code_verifier does not match the stored code challenge.”. I have verified everything I can think of:

I create the code_verifier at 50 chars long, using only alpha chars “wbndtbnxganbquvwvfgjqzwghhkcddeefvhmhrupyywcvgadde”

Then hash it with SHA-256 encoding, and and then base64URLEncode the hash to create the code challenge, resulting in the string


Then send it to Asana:

Then when we get the reponse, and post the plain text code verifier string to, the result is the error:

{ "error": "invalid_grant", "error_uri": "https:\u002F\\u002Fdevelopers\u002Fdocumentation\u002Fgetting-started\u002Fauthentication", "error_description": "The PKCE `code_verifier` does not match the stored code challenge." }

Anybody know why this might be?

I just removed the code verifier completely and the request worked?? Thats weird…

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I have the same problem, and removing the code verifier work for me too. Thank you for sharing it.