💡 The order in Timeline view is not reflected in List view, and that is great news

Hi all :wave:,

I ran a little experiment the other day with Timeline view: when you reorder tasks in List view, does that impact Timeline, and vice-versa?

Well, it doesn’t! So you can safely arrange tasks the Timeline based on dates and dependencies, and still have the original order in List view. However make sure that you don’t drop a task into another section in Timeline view because it would move that task also in List view.

:fr: Version Française


I was actually frustrated that after initial setup, Timeline was inverse of the Board / List view, so the last task in a section was at the top of the section in the timeline view

But when you reordered in Timeline it stayed order? The default layout in Timeline is pretty bad…

When reordered in Timeline it didn’t affect the list view.
Yes, the default in Timeline doesn’t seem to have any logic to it.