Switching between List and Timeline views changes the Tasks order, Why?


very new to Asana :slight_smile: and trying to understand if there is a way to disable the auto sorting (or none) every time I switch between List and Timeline views?

Is there a way to fix the tasks list to the order I created them? I know about the sorting option of Created By.

So for example if I add a new task in between existing tasks, how to fix this order when switching between views.


Hi @anon77888931, welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave:

When switching to Timeline view, tasks are shown in a dated order so it is not possible to view these tasks as they are on List view, or as you ordered them manually. I hope this makes sense :slight_smile:

Oh nice to know, @Julien_RENAUD did you know Timeline sorts by date automatically with no ability to change the sort?
@anon77888931 you can re-order manually the timeline for your information.

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