Our non-Asana registered team members have a PDF document that contains links for our most regularly accessed forms, timelines and calendars. Forms can be opened on desktops, tablets, and mobiles, but any calendars or timeline links will not open on an android or IOS mobile. A message pops up: “This project is best viewed on desktop. Open the link on your computer to view”. There is no option to override this message. Is this deliberate or is there a setting I need to change?
Are you referring to read only views? because I just opened a project calendar view on mobile…
Hi Bastien, I assume so as my team don’t have log-ins for Asana. I’ve attached a screenshot of what we’re seeing on both Android and IOS. This happens for documents on both Timeline and Calendar view.
Ok I believe the read-only views have not been added to mobile just yet, thanks for sharing.
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Hi Bastien, we’ve discovered that calendars/timelines won’t show in the Asana App for logged in registered users either. We’re getting reports that the Asana App does not have this functionality?
Timeline is not available on mobile indeed (it would be quite unusable in my opinion) but calendars are. Your app is up to date?
I did not test for read only views.