Tasks completed BEFORE and AFTER due date

Hi there,

My organization creates Asana tasks when specific workflows we’ve built fail. When this happens, each failed workflow is automatically given an assignee and SLA using your API. We want to track which of these tasks are:

  • Completed BEFORE their due date
  • Completed AFTER their due date.

Does anyone know how we could find this information? It doesn’t seem to be possible using Reporting, nor does it seem like we could do it with “Advanced Search.”


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Your only chance is to use the API to query tasks and then do those 2 checks locally in your code… I can see @Andrea_Mayer typing she might have a better idea :slight_smile:


Hello @Tim_Tsai welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave:

Yeah currently not possible to export or display tasks in a way to show the actual first assigned due date and when the task was actually completed.

I mean you can run an advanced search to show completed tasks that would only be due within xxx


But I definitely recommend upvoting here: Need Completed Date in List View and Reportable

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Thanks for the help everyone!

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