Super admin can't archive comment only projects from past employees?

Pretty simple. I’m a super admin in our org, and it seems that I cannot archive projects which were created as “comment only”. The other issue is these projects were created by folks that are no longer with our company, so there is no way for me to be invited into the project by the creator.

Anyone have a solution? I’ve searched and searched, and it seems that even a super admin doesn’t have this level of access, which seems really weird to me. We’d like to not have to continue scrolling by projects that should have been archived long ago.

Thanks in advance!

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Welcome, @J_Cross,

For better or worse, I think this right is not expected to be part of the Super Admin.

So you’d have to email and ask them to add you to these’s projects so that you can then archive them.



That is crazy! No other piece of software we use behaves in this manner! A Super Admin should have full, unfettered access to every aspect of the software.

Any other workaround that someone might be able to think of?


I believe there are no other workarounds.

Another bump before auto-archive…

Oh well. Lame that this is not doable by a SysAdmin. :-1: :-1: :-1:

This is a HUGE flaw. If I’m Super Admin, I should be able to manage/override any other team member and project. If team members leave the company who own a project, how do we expect to manage that project? I should have super admin access to archive any board under our account. Do I have to wait for a support team? I’ve had a lot of trouble with any kind of response from support either on this or through email so I’m not sure the best way to get this handled. I have MULTIPLE boards that need my access!

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Reaching out to support to get access is currently the only way :sweat_smile:

OH wow. Dang. So if we have employees who are no longer with the company, a SUPER admin would need to wait for support to do this for us??? I am reorganizing hundreds of boards so this is going to be extremely frustrating. Is there anything in your pipeline to make this available to super admins? I made myself a Super Admin for this very purpose. I saw a lot of frustration in your forums about this, as well. Can you give me access to all of my boards today?

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I don’t work for Asana, I am here to help with the knowledge that I have. You need to contact support to get anything specific done regarding your own account sorry.

Do we know when access to comment-only projects will be available to super admins?

You mean when super admins will be able to bypass permissions to gain access to comment-only projects?

Don’t know why this never got turned into a feature request so I made a request, can vote here: Admin Archive Permissions