Specific Control Over Items that Appear in Inbox


We’re having some trouble getting adoption with Asana because everyone says the inbox is unmanageable as there are too many items coming into the inbox.

I’ve shown everyone how to remove the project items, but there are still too many. I’ve also instructed them to turn off email notifications and just rely more directly on their Asana inboxes.

It would be nice if you could give us toggle controls over the following items appearing in the inbox (and subsequently it should affect notifications as well):

  • Assigned a task
  • Added as a collaborator
  • Something you follow is updated

Most people only want an inbox item when they are @mentioned or assigned a task.

Receiving inbox items for “Added as a collaborator” and “Something you follow is updated” is akin to being cc’d in a huge email chain that doesn’t involve you. People find it frustrating. Everything that hits the inbox that doesn’t directly involve them is lost productivity as they have to review it, confirm if it applies to them, and then archive it. It’s all lost time for them.

Any additional control that I didn’t think of over what appears I would also be grateful to hear from others!

Thank you!

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Hi @ThomasM ,

Don’t forget to vote for your own feedback. :wink:

Ahahah, thanks!

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