Several colors on task on timeline view


Would it be possible to set several colors to a task that has several fields in the timeline view ?
For instance a marketing campaign (channel + target + theme, etc…)

Thanks in advance !

Hi @anon64646736, welcome to the Asana Community Forum!

You can add colors to your tasks in Timeline by using custom fields. However, the task will only show one color, whether is a custom field or the default color. However, it’s currently not possible to see several colors in a single task. You can find more information in this article: Setting colors on your Timeline

Thanks for sharing your feedback with us! I’ll update this thread if we have any plans to implement this feature in the future :slight_smile:

Thanks Emily
Would be awesome to get a better overall view of a project, especially to share global vision to executive directors
In campaign marketing for instance it’s useful to have 2 colors as you can have a view per channel or per thematic sequence