See lateness for completed task


Is it possible to see which the number of tasks completed late or how late they were completed?
I know that in each task you can see when it was completed and what was its due date. But this would require to check all completed task, so I was wondering if there is any other option to see all of such task, like in reporting section?

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Do you want to track how many tasks were completed after the due date instead of how late a task is (Due date - Date completed)?

This would also be good information. Can you please advise me how to do it?

But mainly I wish to track how late the task was completed. Because some project tasks are constantly being completed too late (e.g. 1 or 2 month after due date), and I want to generate report e.g. how many such events were in past 6 or 12 months.

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Id like to see this too

Welcome to the forum, @Wade_Miller. You can accomplish this with a custom formula field (completedDate - dueDate, or vice versa depending on your preference).

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