Remember Desktop App start location and size

I typically start up Asana automatically with windows boot up. However the Asana desktop app always insists on opening smack bang in the middle of my main screen! It refuses to remember the last location like all other apps/windows and despite many tricks I have tried I have been unable to over ride its default location upon load. I run multiple screens and it might seem a trivial thing but having to relocate and resize Asana every time I restart my computer is really becoming a pain and I’m even contemplating finding a different solution instead of Asana so hoping there is a solution rather than dropping Asana all together?

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This does sound like something interesting that Asana could implement. Try adding it to the Product Feedback section of the forum. Then other members of the forum can vote on your idea and hopefully get this feature in works.

I’m the type of user that positions windows in specific places in order to group like apps on a screen. I have Asana, Calendar, and Reminders on one desktop. Every time Asana launches, its position is reset to the default. I have to resize and reposition it. This feels like a simple feature request. :slight_smile: Please make the macOS desktop app remember its position on screen between launches.

Thank you!

Hi @Michael_Sitarzewski, welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave:

While this feature isn’t available at this time, hopefully it’s something our Product team can implement in the future

We do have an existing thread for this feature request in the #productfeedback category so I’ve gone ahead and merged your post with the existing one to consolidate feedback.

I’ll keep you posted and let you know if I have any updates :slight_smile:

“I typically start up Asana automatically with windows boot up. However the Asana desktop app always insists on opening smack bang in the middle of my main screen! It refuses to remember the last location like all other apps/windows and despite many tricks I have tried I have been unable to over ride its default location upon load. I run multiple screens and it might seem a trivial thing but having to relocate and resize Asana every time I restart my computer is really becoming a pain and I’m even contemplating finding a different solution instead of Asana so hoping there is a solution rather than dropping Asana all together?”

I have a large desktop screen and I size the windows I use paying such a premium for Asana it would be great productivity feature to have the window open in the same location and size when I restart my computer.