Could someone answer me why i’m having rate limit?
I have 1000 projects, make request for get events for each project but having 429 rate limit error
I set 3 seconds delay between each request(20 req per minutes)
As documentation says i can make 120 requests per minute.
@Phil_Seeman any idea?
For me, it looks like there is some limitation for subsciption for specific resource(project) .
Can’t find any mentions in documentation
I tried to run this request and got the same error,user
So, the problem is aboute sending request to this endpoint
I agree with your analysis
Do we have any references in documentation?
I need to know how many requestss and how often can i send to each project.
I’m gonna to send 2 requests per day.
@Bastien_Siebman Could you please provide more details aboute this endpoint?
I can’t, I don’t work for Asana and don’t have experience with this situation
Ohh) Thannk you anyway
I’m afraid I don’t have anything to add; I honor and code according to the rate limit but have never done any analysis of it.