When we researched moving to Asana from our old PM software, I loved the idea of Workflow, which would make my job as a Producer easier, as well as allow me to report to higher-ups on our resourcing and current workloads.
Now that I have all my projects and tasks set up and running, though, I found out I can ONLY use numeric fields to set “Effort Level.” Unfortunately, I set up my Points field on all my tasks and projects as a dropdown so that I could write “Rules” for them (e.g., when I put “Email” as my execution channel in one field, my Rule automatically applies 2 points in the Points field). I had to set up drop-down menus to make this easy and feasible within the constricts of the Rules.
I wish, under “Set Effort Field” in Workflow, I could use that dropdown field, since it IS all still numbers (just a dropdown list of them). Otherwise, my only option is to go back and change my Points field to straight numbers and updated every task, but then I can’t use automated Rules, which makes my daily life WAY harder (manually assigning points for every task).
Please tell me there’s a workaround for this???