Obtaining metrics from tasks which may be repeated for a number of clients throughout a project

Conducting a project whereby 200 client files have to be reviewed by 2 officers. There are 12 tasks to be performed as part of the review. I understand that only one person can be assigned to a task. However, I need to be able to track the completion of those tasks performed on each of those 200 files within the period of May 1 through July 15, and in turn how many of those tasks and files reviews were completed by each respective officer in the period. How can this be set up for this to be reported on.

Hi @Scherrie_Griffin

You can do through using Dashboards or Reporting feature.

If you cna either use a custom field or report on the status of tasks (completed vs non complete).
Add a filter to the assignee and that should give you the different ones per the 2 assigness.

You can use the column chart, a pie chart, or a lolipop of the docus is the two team members.


Hi thanks for your reply. This however if i understand correctly may addreas the assignees. But as stated the same tasks need to be repeated for 225 client files. How to get those metrics per assignee. Shoud i have them as repeating within the stipulated period?


For clarity, you have a checklist of 12 things that need to be reviewed per client.
You have 2 reviewers and 225 clients.

If that is correct, then yes, each client becomes one task:

Review (client name) …

Each task will then be assigned to the person performing the review.

Did I understand your case correctly?


2 reviewers and 225 clients which have to be reviewed. . What follows are the tasks/checklist that have to be performed on each of the 225 files as part of the review

  1. Select entity for review from the Master Sheet
  2. Conduct World Check and open source internet searches
  3. Record findings of file review on Internal Review Sheet and conduct Initial Risk Assessment
  4. Review each client file to determine whether any additional document/information remains outstanding
  5. Contact client to request documentation using standardized email and File Update Sheet
  6. Save all verification documentation and searches in 2024 CDD Review folder
  7. Conduct final re-risk assessment
  8. Populate Master Sheet with final rating.
  9. Make recommendation to client on continuity of relationship with customers who are non responsive to request for information, or whose response are unsatisfactory

Yes, this is clear @Scherrie_Griffin

My recommendation stands valid:

  1. Select entity for review from the Master Sheet. I select company ‘unicorn’
    I create a task in asana - Complete Review of unicorn (this can be a task template). I keep it unassigned

All subtasks are populated automatically. They include actions from your list point 2 until 9. These can be pre-populated from the task template in the project.

If I conduct all the actions myself, I assign all subtasks to myself.
If you conduct some of the actions, then those subtasks get assigned to you.

This will enable you to report on the work and assignee using the charts / columns etc…

Hope this helps.


I think I follow so you are essentially suggesting creating 225 (select file for review) and have the other 2-9 as subtasks. Given that there are two reviewers they will have to go in and assign themselves marking complete on each task and subtask?
If I understood correctly what is the most efficient way to duplicate the above 224 times?

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Hi @Scherrie_Griffin ,

It might be an idea to use a Task Template for that, or a rule that generates a task, which in both cases include the 2-9 subtasks.

I would perhaps refrain from assigning each subtask to a reviewer (otherwise their My tasks will become overwhelming) and instead simply created a dashboard chart that will show you how long it takes them to complete a (parent) task, i.e. a single client review.

I would go for the task template.

Here is the link to the guide:

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Thanks @Rashad_Issa and @Richard_Sather can you look at the link below to see if I got it correct please? I am two weeks in on asana and learning, but have some projects which I have to manage and this is new to the organization. So I am equally thankful to this forum for this help.


I would also like to understand how as @Richard_Sather was suggesting using a rule to work

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Hi @Richard_Sather I take your point on possibly refraining from assigning sub tasks. However, if it is a case where a subtask is a “2review/ peer review) of the initial assessment and rating, can the person who is conducting that 2nd review assign themself? I ask so that this metric can also be tracked.

And going back to the first point when a file is selected and or any time the respective task template in this case is and the client name is inputted the reviewer
can assign themself?

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Hi @Scherrie_Griffin , sharing a URL will not provide us or anyone else access to your Asana space. You would need to invite someone to your project using the Share button.

However, I believe the support you require is beyond the realm of how much one can help in the forum. There are numerous Asana Partners in this forum, including myself, that can offer consulting, training and support services, over live video calls which are far more effective.

If you are interested, feel free to DM me or others in the forum with an orange badge.

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