I have terrible memory, and decided to build an integration to help me. It is very simple - type "remind " and some time, for example “remind in 2 hours” or “remind Friday 4pm”, and you’ll get an email exactly at that time.
It can read reminders from task descriptions and comments.
I’ve been using it myself for a little while now, and it’s really helped me focus on the right things, and remember the right tasks.
You might need reminders too, so I hope it can be helpful to everyone! The beta is open, so you’re a few seconds - about 3 clicks (#1 on the link, #2 on “connect”, and #3 allow the integration) away from trying it out if you’d like to!
If you have 3 minutes to spare, it would be amazing to get your thoughts and opinions in the 2 simple TypeForm surveys on the site - or here in the thread - too!
Ah that is frustrating, I do apologize. So far it seems like 50/50 successful signups and database connection issues that are giving me very little to go by. I’ll be able to take a look at this tomorrow.
The good news is that it looks like the authentication went through! If you give it a try to add a test reminder like .r 1 minute as a comment on a task in your My Tasks list (so a task assigned to you), it should work!
Update: I changed the pattern to be .r or .remind instead of just r . It is almost as quick to type (even on a mobile keyboard), and it has a lot less “false positives” for reminders
Can’t seem to edit my post, or I’d update the pattern there too.
@Paul_Grobler@Jeffrey_Korn - Thank you for being patient with me! I’ve added some timeout handling to the database code. I believe there may be an access issue when trying to subscribe to events in one of your workspaces, which is why I can’t reproduce on my end.
In any case, both of your accounts are registered. You don’t have to do anything else - adding reminders with .r should work!
The fix has been deployed, but there are still some background sync issues. Looks like it is working well for recent authentications, and I’ve had good results with re-authenticating my test accounts.
Happy to help if re-authenticating does not work for you!
As a reminder () for everyone trying this out - you have to specify the time, and not just a number. .r 10 will not work, for example.
It could be something that I could set up though Maybe a configurable setting for what a .r 10 would mean in this case, 10 minutes or 10 hours or even 10 days?
Ah great question @Jeffrey_Korn. The code looks for the pattern .r and .remind (and .rs for SMS reminders but that’s not active yet :)), and then processes any text after that as a point in time.
I strip out extra text, handle time zones and offsets, the default time set when you sign up, and parse it with the chrono library. Here’s a list of examples from that library:
Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday, Last Friday, etc
17 August 2013 - 19 August 2013
This Friday from 13:00 - 16.00
2 weeks from now
Sat Aug 17 2013 18:40:39
Since I handle the time zone, I removed those details. Also, for sections of time (like the last example that is between 08:15:30 and 05:30), I only pick the first known time. So for example if there’s a reminder that says Friday to Saturday then I set the reminder for Friday.
I’ll make myself a reminder to add more of these details to the website itself too!