New options for sharing your OAuth app

Developers can now control how their app is distributed with more precision and clarity. Until today, all OAuth apps could be shared with Asana users via an authorization link. We have now added the ability to share an app with specific workspaces only.

You can share your OAuth app by using these distribution methods:

  1. Specific workspaces: Share your app with workspaces you belong to. Only users who belong to a specified domain will be able to authorize the app. This option is useful when testing or building apps that are meant for your workspace only.
  2. Any workspace: Use the authorization link to share your app with any Asana workspace. Any Asana user can install your app if they have the link. This is a good option for apps that are meant to be used by many workspaces or for easy sharing.

If you wish for your app to be easily discoverable by any Asana user, take the additional step of publishing your app to Asana’s public app directory. Navigate to the Submit for review tab in the developer console and completing all the required fields.

Manage your app’s distribution settings by viewing it in your developer console and selecting Manage distribution. If you have any questions, please let us know in the thread below! Thank you for building with Asana!

Learn more about managing distribution in our documentation.

Katy, Product Manager