Is it possible to see the total time tracked against a task with the Harvest integration?

I like that I can see the Asana task from my Harvest Timesheet (with a link to it), but I’m wondering for cases where I have multiple entries tracking time against a task, if I can see the total time spent on a task from within Asana. I believe the Everhour (a Harvest alternative) chrome extension has this functionality.

I’m assuming no since the Harvest time-tracking modal in Asana is an iFrame, but I’m thinking it might be possible to build a browser extension that queries the Harvest API based on the Asana task URL and sums the tracked time for entries against that task.


Harvest is powerful, but the way it integrates with Asana is very basic.
I miss the same thing @Jonny_MacEachern mentioned, and an easier way to choose from predefined amount of times: 15 min, 30 min, 1h